
how would you have booked Wrestlemania 18

thought about this a lot and sorry for the long read

my changes begin with the survivor series: angle never turns heel again. never understood why he did. instead the raw following survivor series when ric flair makes his debut, angle shows support and respect for flair. mcmahon doesn't like angle siding with flair. the build to vengence shows dissension mounting between mcmahon and angle over angel being ok with flair being part owner of wwe. vengence comes and angle loses to austin(being a face again at this point) thanks to "errant" interference by taker (being one of mcmahons guys at this point during his respect/big evil era)

raw post vengence angle snaps on mcmahon backstage, angle wants in the royal rumble, mcmahon says no but agrees to give him a title shot: against the undertaker for the hardcore title(champion at the time) for that night. angle does good, but taker beats him, bloodies him, and pins him leaving angle looking like a bloody lifeless mess inside the ring. post match, mcmahon's music plays, he says angle will be in the royal rumble match if he kiss' his ass. angle barely moving, moves up towards mcmahon's ass as if he's going to do it, fans screaming no, when he smiles, pulls the mic in mcmahons arm down, and says, "FUCK YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH"(attitude era still remember) angle uppercuts mcmahons family jewels from the mat, and locks in the ankle lock, screaming with it locked on and not letting go till taker breaks things up laying another beating down.

angle now one of top faces gets put into the rr match by flair, and wins eliminating triple h. mcmahon announces he's bringing in the nWo after losing to flair at the rr. mcmahon takes triple h(who came back a face) under his wing, puts him into a match against angle at no way out for angle's shot. triple h takes the match but wants to do it on his own and doesn't like being given a shot at a shot if you will(being a face and all he can't)

no way out: nWo come in. they interfere in almost every match, taking out the opening match entrants before they reach the ring. rock faces taker, rock wins, post match, nwo attacks rock after taker leaves(taker mcmahon guy so he doesn't get beaten). y2j vs. austin title match nWo attack both near the end of the match. nwo meet with triple h backstage, ask if he wants any help, he says he needs to do it on his own, nwo say ok and walk off smiling. match ends when nwo come out to help triple h, but distract him allowing angle to roll him up for the 123(or something along those lines). nwo and triple h do the wolfpac/cliq thing and walk off together still good friends.

monday night raw after no way out. nwo in the ring challenge any three wwe superstars to a match at wrestlemania.(i know same as wcw bash 96 but it works perfectly) flair comes out, accepts the challenge, and names the three challenges as austin, rock, and triple h. nwo laugh when triple h is announced saying he'd never fight two of his best friends. later the nwo and triple h run into each other backstage. nwo ask if he accepted, triple h says yes, but that it's just buisness and their still friends. nwo agree

the story line that builds towards wrestlemania is nwo are a unit and rock, austin, and triple hate each other. one raw rock is being beaten down by nwo austin runs in for the save, then stuns rock then gets jumped by a recovered nwo. following smackdown same thing except austin is being beaten down and rock makes the save then rock bottoms austin.

raw before mania austin and rock start off in the ring with mics agreeing they hate each other and can't work together till they beat the hell out of each other first, they also agree they can't trust triple h. he comes to the ring says business is business and when the match comes the game will be on. the three end up brawling till only triple h is left in the ring, austin leaves through the crowd, rock up the ramp. austin vs. rock that night, nwo interfere in the end, triple h runs down, but doesn't get in the ring and instead back to the backstage till security breaks things up and raw ends.

so wrestlemania 18 new main events:

undisputed title: y2j defending against angle
six man tag: hogan, hall, nash(healthy or what if purposes) vs. rock, austin, triple h

six man ending: rock and austin won't trust triple h and won't tag him in, austin being beaten down needs to tag, but rock is hurting, austin reaching for rock(won't tag triple h) triple h tags himself in, cleans house on the nwo, goes to work on hogan (legal man) sends nash and hall to the ground, rock takes hall, austin takes nash, triple h vs hogan in the ring. hogan goes for the big boot, hunter ducks underneath, boot to the gut, sets for the pedigree, when a person with a cowboy hat runs in the ring from the crowd and sweet chin music to hunter before he can pedigree hogan (shawn michaels makes his return at wrestlemania instead as the fourth man) hbk to the outside, kick to austin when stunner reversed, kick to rock and rock bottom reveresed. austin rock and triple h are beaten and bloodied really bad, austin and triple h the worst, ends when nash holds hunter by the left arm, hall holds triple h by the right arm, hbk grabs the sledghammer, they says it's just business to hunter, then hbk cloaks hunters already bloodied face right between the eyes with the sledge hammer. nwo spray paint N on rock, W on austin, and O on triple h and the three are stretchered out.

this keeps hogan heel, sets nwo as the main heels for the coming year, sets up future feuds, and puts the nwo over. big change hbk ok to come back few months sooner.

angle vs. y2j, angle wins, post match hogan walks out and applauds.

once again sorry for the length
i could go on with what happens that year, but thread is for w18 so i'll stop there.


Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-05-05